Laundry Plans fee is $330
Specifications fee is $75
Design, Floor Plan, Elevations and 3D Perspectives – 2 x 45min in home meetings
2 Separate meetings – the initial to discuss your laundry requirements and measure the room.
The layout of your room will be designed along with cabinetry and benchtops.
Pricing will include cabinetry, tops and trade work necessary to complete your room. Trades involved in a typical laundry renovation are plumber, electrician, tiler, plaster/cornice worker.
The second meeting will enable you to see the laundry on screen where you can get a good feel for the amount of storage and work space available in the layout. A well designed laundry is such an asset to the household, of course it looks good, but it also functions well and often doubles as a storage area.
In many older homes which don’t have a powder room, the toilet is frequently off the laundry, therefore, the laundry basin will be used by family and guests. It can be designed to be appealing for people to use and still maintain its primary function as a clothes washing tub.
If there are any alterations to the plan they are made at this stage. Once you are happy with the design, plans will be produced and presented to you with your quotation for the laundry renovation.
3D perspectives are so helpful in getting a feel for the room. Space and function become much more understandable, even to those who are not skilled at interpreting plans.
ecause you now own the laundry plans you are able to obtain quotations, with everyone costing the exact same work.