Lucy J Design


Kitchen Style


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    Contemporary Kitchens

    The Contemporary design began making traction in the 1940’s although it did not become extremely popular until modern day. The designs were mostly popular within the European nations such as Germany, Italy, and even Scandinavia. Now it is more widespread and you can find these types of kitchens all over the world.
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    Modern Kitchens

    Within the definition of contemporary kitchens is the Modern Kitchen. It is a kitchen that matches the modern world we live in. You will find that it is equipped with many new appliances, often multiple ovens are incorporated, typically with a stainless steel finish.
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    Country Kitchen

    The Country Kitchen is always warm and welcoming, inviting to work in and just as inviting to sit and chat in. There are many different design elements that can be incorporate into your Country Kitchen. You can decide on light or dark cabinetry, timber or painted, you may like to include some bright colours, decorative shelving or molding.
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    Custom Kitchens

    All of our kitchens are custom built. They are not purchased from hardware stores or imported from China or anywhere else. They are designed and manufactured right here in Perth and installed by experts. You will also be doing your bit for creating jobs for Perth Trades people and supporting the local community
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    Hampton Kitchens

    Hampton Kitchens are characterised by very light and white colors. They also have a lot of natural light. This makes them very welcoming and have a well kept, clean appearance. They also are characterised by having “islands” with specialised lighting overhead.
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    Chef Kitchens

    Chef Kitchens are designed for the inner chef inside of us all. Even if you are not a master chef, you can have a chef kitchen that is all your own.
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    Special Needs Kitchens

    When planning a Special Needs Kitchen, we focus completely on what is going to work best for you. Be it an age related issue or a physical challenge, we will work with you until we can determine the layout which will best produce a kitchen that will enhance and ease your daily life.
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    Kitchen Ideas

    You can find some inspiration in magazines or Pinterest or look right here on our website. A kitchen needs a great deal of thought. There are so many questions you need to ask yourself before you even begin to think about final touches like colours, finishes and materials.